Creators Update Marks a Welcome Return to the People-Centric Focus of Windows Phone

Creators Update Marks a Welcome Return to the People-Centric Focus of Windows Phone

With the Windows 10 Creators Update, Microsoft is bringing back a profound benefit from Windows phone: Its people-centric user experience..

Think back for a moment to the original Windows Phone 7 Series announcement, which happened at Mobile World Congress 2010. At that time, Microsoft announced a new mobile platform that, unlike Android, wasn’t a direct rip-off of the iPhone. Instead, Microsoft had rethought the smartphone and what it could be. And rather than center the experience around launching in and out of apps, it focused instead on the user. And the things that were most important to that user.

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As I wrote in Five Years Later, a Full-On Retreat from What Made Windows Phone Special, Windows phone was to be “a different kind of phone,” one that puts “the stuff that is important to you right on your Start screen” via live tiles, rather than requiring you to jump in and out of apps as with iPhone. Those tiles would provide “real-time updates” about your “contacts, games, and music.”

The People experience—called the People hub, originally, was a key part of that vision. Windows Phone 7 Series would provide access to your “most recent contacts at your fingertips,” meaning that when you tapped the People tile, you would see the Recent view, which was a group of tiles representing recently accessed contacts. It would also provide “live updates from social media sites like Facebook and Windows Live.”

This hub notion—”integrated experiences,” with People being a core example—was a key Windows Phone 7 Series differentiator. The idea was that content from multiple sources would be aggregated into a single UI, the hub, and that you as the user would not need to remember where information was stored. If you wanted a person, you went into People.

It was a wonderful idea. But it failed because of third parties didn’t buy into it. For example, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks want to promote their brands, not be subsumed into some built-in OS utility.

And while the vaunted Windows phone UI, with its live tiles, was demonstrably “better” than the “whack-a-mole” UI that we see on iOS and Android, was also too unfamiliar. So while Windows phone fans still point to this system as a key differentiator, 99 percent of the smartphone-using public couldn’t care less. As I noted in The Long, Slow Decline of Windows Phone, Windows phone failed where it mattered, and it succeeded where it does not matter.

But then there’s the broader Windows 10 platform that works across the PC and so many other device types (including phone).

As Windows 8 has been pushed aside for Windows 10 and then matured over subsequent updates, I’ve watched as the People app—the modern successor to Windows phone’s People hub—has diminished. In Windows 8, for example, the People app offered basic integration capabilities, where you could post to social networks. Today’s People hub, however, is literally a shell of its former self, a barren wasteland that does nothing more than simply aggregate your contacts lists from various online accounts.

So I watched with some surprise and fascination as Microsoft announced the new My People interface that is coming in the Windows 10 Creators Update. It’s not clear how or if this interface will be adapted for mobile, though of course it looks an awful lot like a standard smartphone interface. But it will bring much of what was special about the People hub (back) to the PC, at the very least.

I wrote about the sharing aspects of My People the other day in New Share Experience is Coming (Soon) to Windows 10. But My People goes deeper than just sharing. In a video aimed at developers, Microsoft’s Kevin Gallo explains that My People is a new user experience for accessing your most-frequently-used contacts.

“Our goal with Windows is to make sure that people who are important to you are easily accessible,” Gallo explains. “You can have quick interactions, you can share things with them, you can communicate with them. So we [are] putting them … in the taskbar. Now you can pin people who are important to you to the taskbar, and you just drag things down there to make [sharing and communication] happen.”

Aside from the obvious—the ability to drag and drop files to the taskbar-based content, and the fact that apps will utilize the new sharing UI as well—the My People contacts can be accessed as you would have on Windows phone, or if you’re one of the few people who ever pinned a contact to the Start menu in Windows 10: You can simply select one of these contacts to see which options are available.


And this new People pane UI is not only more attractive than what we see in today’s People app, it’s more functional: You can access apps that are associated with contacts for sharing purposes—Mail, Skype, Xbox, and so on—too. One assumes (or at least helps) that People will be getting a similar makeover.

As you can see, there is a Suggested app ad at the bottom of this pane. What’s interesting there is that if you select the suggested app, it will install from there; no need to visit the Windows Store.

Even more interesting, apps can display UI right inside the new People pane. And this, I think, is Microsoft’s answer to the problem with hubs: Instead of replacing apps and services, Microsoft is allowing third parties to put their own UI and brands right there in the People pane. That this pane emulates a phone screen in size/aspect ratio is not coincidental, Gallo says. Nicely done.


An app display in the People pane is called docked mode. But you can also trigger the full app experience if you want. So it’s sort of a best of both worlds scenario, for both developers and users.

No, it’s not flashy like Windows Holographic or Surface Studio. But this kind of core improvement to Windows 10 is a big deal, and will impact far more users. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.


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Conversation 35 comments

  • 127

    Premium Member
    30 November, 2016 - 4:07 pm

    <p>I am very much looking forward to this feature. Also very curious about how this will look like when in "tablet-mode". Any news on this Paul?</p>

    • 796

      Premium Member
      30 November, 2016 - 5:23 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#28032">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/Bart">Bart</a><a href="#28032">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Same here – I generally use my Surface in tablet mode (and about half of that in portrait) I often miss having the task bar, but I want things to open in full screen when I’m using it as a tablet…</p>

      • 165

        Premium Member
        30 November, 2016 - 9:03 pm

        <blockquote><em><a href="#28061">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/Breaker119">Breaker119</a><a href="#28061">:</a></em></blockquote>
        <p>I believe you can have the task bar in tablet mode, and full screen apps if you auto hide the taskbar…</p>

  • 2015

    30 November, 2016 - 4:11 pm

    <p>Awesome. When will this appear in insider builds?</p>

  • 5394

    30 November, 2016 - 4:14 pm

    <p>A people hub is no longer necessary since many Mail apps share and copy contact information via their smart phones. My iPhone backs up Contact and Calendar entries between my various email accounts (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook). Therefore, Windows merely needs to import contact information from any email service. Facebook already requests contact information from your email account or phone contacts. Rather hypocritical from their Hub position. Nonetheless, Windows via this new approach has finally figured it out.</p>

  • 5294

    Premium Member
    30 November, 2016 - 4:28 pm

    <p>Yes, this is what made me love Windows Phone. Having this available will be great.</p>

  • 214

    Premium Member
    30 November, 2016 - 5:02 pm

    <p>"But this kind of core improvement to Windows 10 is a big deal, and will impact far more users."</p>
    <p>I agree. It is no that one can’t do any of these things with existing tools – it is that the tools more completely disappear – so as to not distract the user from the work at hand.</p>

  • 2215

    30 November, 2016 - 5:33 pm

    <p>Is there an analog to the taskbar on windows 10 mobile?</p>

    • 334

      30 November, 2016 - 8:17 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#28062">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/Aritting">Aritting</a><a href="#28062">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Not directly, but there will most likely be an API call to open the My People list when sharing an item from inside an app in a similar way to how the Share API currently works.</p>

      • 5611

        Premium Member
        01 December, 2016 - 4:31 am

        <blockquote><em><a href="#28079">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/unfalln">unfalln</a><a href="#28079">:</a></em></blockquote>
        <p>When Win 10 Mobile is used in Continuum mode, you do get a task bar.</p>

    • 8182

      30 November, 2016 - 10:47 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#28062">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/Aritting">Aritting</a><a href="#28062">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Only in Continuum and I will bet you this is coming to Continuum as well.</p>
      <p>On mobile you can already pin a contact to the start screen, so you get your most frequent people there. They might be able to do something where it automatically show the same "favored" people as in the desktop, we’ll have to wait and see.</p>
      <p>Also, I am guessing that on mobile, when you open up a contact, you will see those same options for contacting a person, since the UI is basically already made for mobile and as for sharing from apps, I would expect some version of the new Share UI to come to phones as well, meaning that you could share directly to favorite people from any app.</p>

  • 8779

    30 November, 2016 - 6:35 pm

    <p>but windows phone is irrelevant not ??? why you keep posting about this ???</p>

    • 54

      30 November, 2016 - 8:05 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#28065">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/falito">falito</a><a href="#28065">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Because this isn’t about Windows Phone. It’s actually about the next Windows 10 PC update, dubbed the "Creators Update". Windows Phone only got a mention because this was, or a very similar feature was, in Windows Phone 7. Hopefully it will also return to Windows 10 Mobile as well.</p>

      • 5134

        01 December, 2016 - 2:58 am

        <blockquote><em><a href="#28077">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/c.hucklebridge">c.hucklebridge</a><a href="#28077">:</a></em></blockquote>
        <p>this was actually a HTC Touch FLO 3D UI Feature already available in Windows Mobile 6 (back in 2007)</p>

  • 5119

    30 November, 2016 - 7:20 pm

    <p>This is exciting.&nbsp; I frequently realize that I want to communicate with someone first and then figure out via which medium.&nbsp;</p>

  • 334

    30 November, 2016 - 8:14 pm

    <p>In the phone-share scenario, asking for the user first is pure genius… until you realise that we also want to share things to Reading List, OneNote, etc. If they give the option of both users and non-user-based apps on phones, I wonder if that will translate back to desktop with Reading List and OneNote being additional targets in the My People section…?</p>

  • 206

    30 November, 2016 - 8:35 pm

    <p>My first thought was: &nbsp;"Great…just in time to implement it before Win 11". (Yes I know there’s not supposed to be a Win11…but any long time WP user knows this circle of hell all too well.) &nbsp;Let’s hope they’ve done this right this time through.</p>

  • 661

    30 November, 2016 - 9:09 pm

    <p>I was pleasantly surprised when&nbsp;i opened people on my windows phone to fine a timeline tab that had soma, email and&nbsp;skype interactions with a person. Maybe it was always there but I jade not noticed it.&nbsp; a nice aggregation of direct interactions</p>

    • 661

      01 December, 2016 - 4:40 am

      <blockquote><em><a href="#28093">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/Simard57">Simard57</a><a href="#28093">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Sms not soma</p>
      <p>Why can’t I edit my post?</p>

  • 3167

    01 December, 2016 - 3:07 am

    <p>Microsoft chased android and apple and lost their soul on Windows phone. The me tile integrated, the people tile, the photos. Even Xbox music (Zune). I am looking at possibly moving to android, but after several weeks of struggling to make a Nexus work for me even with outlook mail, Cortana, etc. It just did not have what Windows phone still has. I found i only used a handful of apps not available or Google Maps. I grew tired of chasing notifications, missed my life tiles and what was left of integration.</p>

  • 5486

    01 December, 2016 - 4:56 am

    <p>Windows 10 *still* hasn’t decided whether it’s mobile O/S trying to be a desktop O/S, or the other way around. The shoes are not fitting on both feet! In one update it lurches one way, and the next update, it lurches the other. The vast majority don’t need or care for mobile features on the desktop, and while Microsoft’s big plans thought that if you had Windows 10, you’d buy into Windows Mobile (which has completely failed), they’re still proceeding down this odd ‘hybrid’ road that only makes sense to them.</p>

    • 5592

      01 December, 2016 - 8:17 am

      <blockquote><em><a href="#28115">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/ghostrider">ghostrider</a><a href="#28115">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Sorry, ghost, it’s you who haven’t figured out that there is no such thing as a mobile OS or a desktop OS, there are&nbsp;just different experiences based on how you are interacting with any device at any given time.&nbsp;You’re still running off the obsolete model that&nbsp;how the device operates is locked to how it was marketed to you.</p>

      • 5593

        01 December, 2016 - 9:04 am

        <blockquote><em><a href="#28139">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/MikeGalos">MikeGalos</a><a href="#28139">:</a></em></blockquote>
        <p>As far as I’m concerned, it fails in this task, regardless of how it operates. And there’s nothing to be done about it.</p>

      • 8578

        02 December, 2016 - 2:58 pm

        <blockquote><em><a href="#28139">In reply to </a><a href="../../../users/MikeGalos">MikeGalos</a><a href="#28139">:</a>&nbsp;Seriously? So I can run any Win32 program on my WP? There will always be separate&nbsp;desktop and mobile OS’s unless we dumb down functionality to what can be performed on a mobile device.</em></blockquote>

  • 996

    Premium Member
    01 December, 2016 - 5:19 am

    <p>Hopefully this forces Facebook to remake their apps to be native UWP apps and not the ported iOS garbage that runs like a slow&nbsp;stuttering train wreck.</p>

  • 5593

    01 December, 2016 - 9:01 am

    <p>Great. Yet another feature I’ll never use.&nbsp; I keep my Lumia 1020 with WP8 for the very reasons Paul expressed.&nbsp; Everything about it is better than 10, as far as I’m concerned.&nbsp; Same with my devices that are still running Windows 8.&nbsp; I have never, ever found the Task Bar to be anything but an annoyance, and any time I am forced to refer to it I get disgusted.&nbsp; I want to rely completely on live tiles.&nbsp; The tiles should be fully interactive.&nbsp; Shoving everything to the stupid Task Bar is ridiculous, ugly and will get it cluttered.&nbsp; It is senseless.&nbsp; Again.</p>

  • 2305

    01 December, 2016 - 9:27 am

    <p>If this didn’t work in MS’s favor doe Windows Phone, what makes you think it will work in Win10.</p>
    <p>Services like Facebook, Twitter and others didn’t buy too much into it because of Branding issue and also for users its an issue as new features don’t make its way soon enough…</p>

  • 5530

    01 December, 2016 - 3:05 pm

    <div>I can’t help but to think that this feature won’t take off. Sorry for being sceptical but in the past we’ve seen few care about all these sorts of platform features. All third parties want is for their app and brand&nbsp;to shine. Features like these are user-centric but they don’t get you into their app, rather it helps you avoid the app. MyPeople makes the app act as an extension of a specific OS feature, rather than using a feature of the app. We actually know that devs don’t like this.</div>
    <div>I could be wrong.</div>

  • 5215

    Premium Member
    02 December, 2016 - 11:17 am

    <p>Neat!&nbsp; I hope to see it turn out well.&nbsp; Too bad exactly 5 third party developers will embrace it and 1 of those 5 will not maintain it.</p>

  • 5510

    03 December, 2016 - 7:32 pm

    <p>I know that Paul loves virtual reality, but is has he been living in an alternate universe?</p>
    <p>My issue is with this statement:&nbsp;&ldquo;the stuff that is important to you right on your Start screen&rdquo; via live tiles, rather than requiring you to jump in and out of apps as with iPhone. Those tiles would provide &ldquo;real-time updates&rdquo; about your &ldquo;contacts, games, and music.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p>
    <p>Prior to that statement,he wrote this: "….2010. At that time, Microsoft announced a new mobile platform that, unlike Android, wasn&rsquo;t a direct rip-off of the iPhone. "</p>
    <p>HELLO?! HELLO?! &nbsp;</p>
    <p>Paul is either living in an alternate universe of reality, suffering from some kind of dementia, or is purposely LYING to his audience.</p>
    <p>The fact is this, Android was never a direct ripoff of iPhone. &nbsp;iPhone never had an app drawer, it never had a notification area, and most of all it never had ON-SCREEN WIDGETS.</p>
    <p>Windows Phone’s equivalent to LIVE TILES is comparable to Android Widgets that have been around since 2010. Android has been putting newsfeeds, live updates, contacts, games, music, video, chat screens, email previews, weather updates,….since (at least) 2010. I know this because I had a Motorola Droid X (version 1).</p>
    <p>If Paul is going to recommend products and services to other people, in other words, suggest to them how to SPEND THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY, then at least give those people the best information so the can decide well.&nbsp;</p>
    <p>People have to realize that throughout the past several years, PAUL has been wrong about everything and I think it’s because of the information he takes in,… this one.</p>

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