Microsoft Announces Free Foundational C# Certification

C# certification

Microsoft is partnering with freeCodeCamp to offer a free Foundational C# Certification that spans 35 hours of C# training hosted on Microsoft Learn.

“We are excited to announce the release of the new Foundational C# Certification in collaboration with freeCodeCamp, a charity that creates free learning resources for math, programming, and computer science,” Microsoft’s Katie Savage writes in the announcement post. “The Foundational C# Certification is completely free, globally available, and includes a full 35-hour C# training course hosted on Microsoft Learn.”

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This certification course provides a thorough foundation of C#, Savage says, covering everything from core concepts like variables, data types, control structures, and syntax to practical software development applications. It can be showcased on LinkedIn, and is available for free worldwide.

To earn your own certification, navigate to the Foundational C# Certification path on freeCodeCamp, scroll down to the first course, and select the first lesson. At the end of each course, you will earn a trophy on Microsoft Learn. And once you complete all the training, you can take the final exam.

In addition to this certification, Microsoft will host six office-hour streaming sessions on the .NET YouTube channel between September 20 to October 25, every Wednesday at 2:00 pm UTC. In each session, presenters will review a training course, walkthrough a guided project, and answer questions. And you can also register for a C# Challenge on August 29th.

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