Teams spam from Adobe

We have the Adobe apps in Teams deactivated, because we don’t use Adobe tools in our workflows.

Several users (including myself) have started receiving messages in Teams from “Adobe Acrobat” – it appears as a new message in Chat with an advert to use Adobe Acrobat in Teams.

Interestingly, Adobe Acrobat app in Teams is disabled, so I have no idea where the message is coming from. The message from Adobe Acrobat made up of 2 “cards” (text is translated from German, so English users might see the message with different wording):

More PDF possibilities in Microsoft Teams with Acrobat!

  • Accelerate the checking of documents in your channel
  • Post a PDF file in a location, where all members can view it and comment on it.
  • Receive notification, when other change your document

(plus a screenshot)

The second card:

Begin your collaboration by sharing a PDF file

  1. Open the desired channel.
  2. Select the Adobe icon in the Message field.
  3. Follow the instructions, to select a PDF file that you want to share.
  4. Add a message, if so desired, and click on the send icon
  5. Open the shared PDF in order to add your commentaries.

(plus an animation showing the above process)

Absolutely crazy, that Teams is now a channel for external spam!

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