Newsletters Keep or Let ‘Em Go 🎶

Am I the only one who has folders in their inbox for all the newsletters they subscribe to? And am I the only one that keeps them even if I’ve already read them? I 100% admit that I’m a digital hoarder. I’ll through ups and downs where I’m doing great about not saving stuff. Then I’ll have a situation where someone asks me about something or some current event happens and I’ll remember I read an article in the past that had to do with it, then I start saving stuff again 🤦‍♂️.

I know digital storage is pretty cheap nowadays compared to the past. Nonetheless, it’s still a weight on me mentally and just another thing to maintain, taking up my time. 

So yeah, does anyone else hoard their newsletters? What strategies do you use to keep it under control or do you just delete 😬 lol?

Edit: Forgot to mention this. But what happens to me is I’ll come across a new newsletter and subscribe but don’t read them right away so they pile up in the folder I create for them. So it’s a vicious cycle…total first world nerd problem of course lol.

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