Google Brings AI to the Classroom

Google Classroom and Chromebook interop

Today, Google announced a set of updates in education that span Google Classroom, Workspace, and Chromebooks, and it’s probably not surprising that many of them are AI-powered. But there’s also a neat Classroom integration in Chrome OS that deserves some attention.

“This week, we’re joining thousands of educators and education leaders at Bett, the world’s biggest ed-tech exhibition,” Google vice president Shantanu Sinha writes. “We’re showcasing new Chromebooks and Google Workspace for Education features that help tackle some of the biggest challenges — and opportunities — facing education today.”

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Key AI updates announced today include:

Duet AI for Google Workspace Education. Announced last May, Duet AI for Workspace is Google’s generative AI platform for productivity. ” “Educators can get fresh ideas and save time using generative AI across Workspace apps,” Sinha says. “With Duet AI, they can get help drafting lesson plans in Docs, creating images in Slides and building project plans in Sheets, and more — all with control over their data.”

Google Classroom improvements. Google Classroom lets educators add questions to YouTube videos that are assigned to students, who then get real-time feedback as they answer. To date, this has been a manual process, but Classroom will soon add AI-suggested questions. Additionally, Classroom is adding AI-based practice sets in for lessons, making them interactive in over 50 languages.

New AI track in the Google for Education pilot program. Google has added a new AI track to its Google for Education pilot program to help educators understand how to best bring AI into the classroom. You can learn more here.

Additionally, Google is adding Classroom integration directly into Chrome OS so that students can see their upcoming assignments and due dates at a glance. Students will see a new type of notification pane for these assignments and can filter the view to Due soon, No due date, Missing, or Done. And when they click an assignment in the pane, it opens in their Classroom dashboard.

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