“Help Me Write” Comes to Google Chrome


Help me write in Google Chrome

With the release of Google Chrome version 122, users in the U.S. can now access the experimental AI-powered “Help me write” feature in English across Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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“Using Gemini models, the new feature will help you start writing or refine something you’ve already written — whether you’re selling a piece of furniture, submitting a restaurant review, or inquiring about a hotel reservation,” Google engineering director Adriana Porter Felt writes. “The tool will understand the context of the webpage you’re on to suggest relevant content. For example, as an avid gardener, if I’m writing a review for garden shears, Chrome will pull out relevant details about the item from the page to support my recommendation so it’s more valuable to other hobbyists.”

Google announced “Help me write” and two other experimental AI Chrome features in January, but “Help me write” is only now available in stable. And before you can enable this feature, you have to meet a long list of requirements: You must be in the United States. You must be 18 years old or older. You need to sign in to Chrome with a Google account and configure the browser with English as the default language. And then you have to turn on “Experimental AI” in Chrome.

Which I don’t see because I’m in Mexico. But this looks quite interesting.


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