Do Not Disturb and Focus

Do not disturb and Focus are two related Windows 11 features that are designed to minimize distractions and help us stay focused on our work. The former silences notifications, much like the similar feature on Android and iPhone. And the latter builds off of Do not disturb by creating a configurable focus session that also removes other distractions so you can work more effectively.
Do not disturb
Do not disturb silences notifications and sends them directly to the Notifications pane. When Do not disturb is enabled, Windows 11 and installed apps cannot display notification banners or play sounds.

Where did it go?
Windows 10 included a feature called Focus assist, but in Windows 11, it has been renamed to the more logical Do not disturb.
Enable and disable Do not disturb
The most obvious way to enable Do not disturb is to open the Notifications and Calendar panes and click the "Do not disturb" button at the top of the Notifications pane.

You can quickly open Notifications and Calendar by typing WINKEY + N.
When you do so, the button visibly changes to indicate it is selected, a message about Do not disturb being enabled appears in the Notifications pane, and the time and date display in the far right of the notification area on the Taskbar displays a "Do not disturb" icon.

You can also enable Do not disturb by opening the Settings app, navigating to System > Notifications, and changing the setting "Do not disturb" to "On."
To disable Do not disturb, display the Notifications pane and click the "Do not disturb" button. The visual changes noted above will all be reversed and notifications will be enabled again.
Use Do not disturb automatically
In addition to letting you manually toggle Do not disturb on and off, Windows 11 also engages this feature automatically under certain conditions and provides a way to schedule Do not disturb so that it is automatically enabled---and later disabled---at certain times of the day.

To view the default configuration and potentially make changes, open the Settings app, navigate to System > Notifications, and expand the setting "Turn on do not disturb automatically."

By default, Do no disturb will be turned on automatically when you are duplicating your display to an external display, playing a game, using an app in full-screen mode, and for the first hour after a Windows 11 feature update (version upgrade) install. You can disable this capability for any of these conditions if you'd like.

You can also schedule times of the day when Do not disturb will be enabled (and later disabled), and then establish a schedule for that to be repeated daily, on weekends, or on weekdays.
Configure priority notifications
As with many things in life, there are always exceptions, and Do not disturb can be configured to let through certain priority notifications. Some, like alarms (from the Clock app) and "important app notifications," are always allowed to display and sound when Do not di...

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